
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Turkey

When dad passed away at the end of April life changed dramatically.  Life still went on of course, but it changed big time.  In the course of that change some of our memories ended up being stored on the computer.  I had forgotten until just the other day as I was sifting through my archives that some of the best things that happened were never shared here in this space that I like to keep for my hooligans.  So... I'm going to do some major catching up here.  Back in May my little man finally got to experience his first hunting trip with his dad.  He has been waiting for this for a long time, and the excitement has been building and building.  He could not wait for the day to arrive, and he spent the evening before carefully prepping food, clothes, his BB gun, and anything else he could think of to help make his trip a successful one.  He happily bounced out of bed at 3:30 the next morning to head out with his mind focused on one task.  Coming home with a turkey.  He and JM used up every ounce of sunlight before they returned home late that night, and guess what?  They were successful.  The day that Doop had dreamed of played out just like he had imagined.  The best part of the whole experience for the rest of us was the next few days.  We had the opportunity to not only listen to his stories, but we were able to watch him act them out.  It was the best!  The story continued throughout the following weeks as he told it to each of his friends over and over.  I'm happy that he was able to have such a great experience with his dad.  I know better than anyone that moments and days like the one they had together are worth more than anything.  It's something he will never forget.

Oh yeah.  He had a wiggly tooth back then too.  It has since fallen out, but the hillbilly tooth added to the character in these pictures.  In fact, I was a little worried that Duck Dynasty might call saying they wanted their kid back.  I swear.


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